(Submitted by Brendan Williams, PBF Energy/EEAC Board Member)
For years the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) has been contributing to higher gas prices, undermining American energy security, and putting countless Union refining jobs at risk.
More recently, the excessively high and unstable cost of the program’s compliance credits, known as Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs), have threatened the survival of our nation’s independent refineries, while causing more pain at the pump for consumers.
Take Action NOW By Clicking The Link Below and Asking Members of Congress to Work With President Biden and the EPA To Fix the Renewable Fuel Standard Before It’s Too Late!
Click Here To Send Your Message To Congress: https://www.fuelingusjobs.com/take-action
In Solidarity,
Joe Dougherty Executive Director Energy Education & Awareness Council/Advocacy United 267-250-1375Related Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/discussion-with-u-s-senator-chris-coons-talking/id1631849548?i=1000590879505