Labor & Energy Alliance | The Energy, Education and Awareness Initiative
The Labor & Energy Alliance is a 501 c4 non-profit joint initiative involving a collaboration of labor union leaders, energy company leaders/professionals, energy trade organization leaders and members of the private sector with a mission to create awareness and better educate the general public and our policy makers on details, facts and issues pertaining to our environment, jobs, renewables, trade and our traditional energy resources as part of our Energy, Education and Awareness Initiative.
The Labor & Energy Alliance also advocates to leaders and members in the sectors of labor, energy, environmental activism and legislators to “Work Together, Not Divided” in the quest to meet domestic and global energy needs and environmental standards through coordinated and common sense utilization of both traditional and renewable energy resources.
The Media Platform
The Labor & Energy Alliance utilizes the media platform of talk radio broadcasting and the groundbreaking Labor & Energy Show in conjunction with other digital programming to create awareness and educate the public on information and issues related to the Energy, Education and Awareness Initiative.